Network Neutrality Violation Detection for Streaming Media Traffic in Wired and Wireless Networks
Ramneek Sekhon, P. Hosein, W. Choi, W. Seok
KNOM Review, vol 18
Aug, 2015
Network Neutrality Violation Detection for Streaming Media Traffic in Wired and Wireless Networks
Ramneek Sekhon, P. Hosein, W. Choi, W. Seok
KNOM Review, vol 18
Aug, 2015
Disruptive network applications and their impact on network neutrality
Ramneek Sekhon, P. Hosein, W. Choi and W. Seok
17th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), South Korea
Jan, 2016
An Open Source Real-Time Data Portal
Sudesh Lutchman and Patrick Hosein
Journal of ICT (River Publishers)
March, 2015
Design and Specifications of a Repository for Real-Time Open Data
Sudesh Lutchman and Patrick Hosein
ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia
July, 2014
Efficient M-Commerce Platform for Developing Countries
Lonell Liburd and Patrick Hosein
International Conference on Information Resources Management, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
May, 2014